Sunday, August 07, 2005

leaving on a jetplane

the journey home is an absolute nightmare. The flight is delayed due to some valve. We wait for an hour whilst a woman in a flouresent jacket whacks things with a hammer. We eventually take off and the long crawl home begins...
In Singapore we have not time to look around but have to march straight onto the next plane. Louie and Dai N can't stop for a fag whilst me and Lee worry our hand luggage will make the switch. Louies nerves show when we have to go through security. Never happy giving up his pennies even for a second, he argues with the guards, then beeps in the machine, then tries to aviod being swipped by security and starts shouting. Bravley I decide not to run headlong before they shoot him, and calm him down enough to show them it's just his belt buckle. Already their understanding smiles have been replaced by frowns and I can't get him through quick enough!
We meet Henry and Ken on the 2nd flight, they have had a night in Singapore but said it was too hot to enjoy. Again I can't sleep, no one wants to talk and having sat through a couple of movies (Dirty Harry is class) I end up just wondering around the plane talking to anyone who will respond. Critisism of Woodpecker is total and I even have a couple of e**lish people agreeing that Wales would give the ABs a better game. Slowly slowly slowly we edge closer home. I've played all the video games and watched all the videos I can and there is nothing much to look forward to. My magazines are all in the hold and I'm knackered.

We eventually land say goodbye to henry (who has a 4 hour wait for his flight to Scotland) and get our baggage. There is a slight high point when the hand luggage apperars. This soon wears off though. We had heard that it was warm at home but still weren't ready for this sweltering heat. We are all dressed for NZ winter and have to lug bags and coats around. the bus is waiting but has to be released for some car park. We wilt in the heat waiting and waiting...
The bus trip home is very boring. We see a load of armed police near the airport, have a quick look at TVNZs video of us meeting the ABs have to stop in services for the driver, (Here we see Matt Cardy. Of course Dean knows him so he stops for a chat. he is retiring from rugby (just finnished with Leeds) just returned from Thailand and about to go to france with his girlfriend. Once he's been to Simon Easterbys wedding he is returning home to NZ to go back to carpentary.) We drop Ken off in Sarn and eventually, eventually get back to Stradey. Claire and Rebbecca are wearing very fetching 'proffesional rugby widow' t-shirts. Tell the various Mams, carers, brothers, families etc that it was great and we enjoyed so much even though it doesn't feel like it at the time. Bed can't come soon enough...


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